Vedic Maths is the unique technique of calculations based on the simple rules and principles using which any mathematical problem related to Arithmetical computations, theory of numbers, compound multiplications, algebraic operations, factorizations, simple quadratic and higher order equations, simultaneous quadratic equations, partial fractions, calculus, squaring and many more equations.

With the spiritual knowledge, practice and attainment Sri Bharati Krishna Tirthaji Maharaj, of Govardhana Math, Puri (1884-1960) rediscovered Vedic Maths again from the Atharvaveda between 1911 and 1918. According to his research all of mathematics is based on 16 Sutras (Aphorisms) and Thirteen Sub-Sutras (Corollaries).

Aneya's Vedic Maths levels are based on the Sutras with easy steps and Practical sums. Aneya's Vedic Maths consists of four levels for the age group 12 and above.

Advantages of Vedic Maths:

1) Shortcut methods for calculations.

2) Increases speed and accuracy of calculations.

3) Anybody can learn who are above 12 years.

4) Calculations useful for UPSC, MPSC, Bank, Railway and other exams.

Aneya’s Vedic Maths (FAQ’s)

1) What is Vedic Maths?

Ans: Vedic Mathematics is a collection of ancient tips and techniques to execute arithmetic operations quickly and more efficiently using 16 Sutras called Formulae and 13 sub-sutras called Sub Formulae.

2) Who can learn Vedic Maths?

Ans: Children in 7th std and above. Also, college students who are giving competitive exams or who have opted for Science and Commerce stream can learn Vedic Maths.

3) Why Aneya’s Vedic Maths?

Ans: Aneya’s Vedic Math’s is designed in such a way that everyone can understand the simple steps to solve arithmetic sums. It’s a simplified method based on 16 Sutras and 13 Sub Sutras. It also includes lots of sums for practice.

4) How many levels are there in Aneya’s Vedic Maths?

Ans: There are four levels in Vedic Maths.

5) Aneya’s Vedic Math’s class conducted daily or weekly and does it affect studies?

Ans: Aneya’s Vedic Maths class is conducted once a week for two hours. It doesn’t affect studies as its one of the parts of their school curriculum and there is very less homework given to students.

6) What are the advantages of Aneya’s Vedic Maths?

Ans: Aneya’s Vedic Maths is simple and easy to understand. Vedic Maths methods are the world’s fastest calculation techniques which increases speed and accuracy. Using these techniques any big digit sums can be solved within fraction of seconds. It eradicates fear of Maths completely. It sharpens the mind, increases mental agility and intelligence. It improves memory and boosts self-confidence.

7) How are the Aneya’s Vedic Maths classes conducted?

Ans: Aneya’s Vedic Maths class is conducted online and offline. Those who want to take physical classes can have the same at our centers and those who wish to learn online from their home can opt for online class.

8) How are the exams conducted in Aneya’s Vedic Maths?

Ans: After completion of portion of each level the exam is conducted. After the results the student is promoted to the next level.

9) How will I be able to help my child in Aneya’s Vedic Maths practice as I have not learnt Aneya’s Vedic Maths?

Ans: The steps are simplified to the extent that the students can recall it anytime whenever they will refer the Workbook. Parents help is not required by the students. And our Trainer’s guidance is always available in case students have any difficulties.

10) What is Aneya Career Education?

Ans: Aneya Careers & Education (ACE) was established in the year 2010. ACE is a vibrant company dedicated to quality, innovation and creativity in a timely manner that leads to resounding success. Knowledgeable and happy children is our vision. Aneya’s Vedic Maths is a division of ACE and we are proud to say that it has, has benefited 1500 students every year.

Our dedicated 60-member team has ensured our successful participation in all over India and internationally in 8 countries. Our high-quality content and international level teaching practices have ensured our international recognition and we are now an ISO 9001:2015 certified company.

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